This lady's got pelotas, telling it like it is to the frickheads (click image). A fundamentalist is a fundamentalist anywhere. These guys looks like idiots in contrast to her passionate eloquence, but we have our own hate-spewing jihadists, too, and they're just as moronic, but we're used to them and tolerate them, and our politicians pander to them, with or without vomit in the back of their throats.
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I simply want my country to again stand for its most-admired values: tolerance, opportunity, personal freedom, ingenuity, and imagination, and stop acting so damm stupid, you know? America needs to stop bragging that it's the greatest country on earth and start acting like it.
Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.
- Voltaire
Round the decay
of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare
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